Ariadna S
De Lorenzo
Welcome to my portfolio!
Bienvenid@ a mi portfolio.
About myself; i was born in Bariloche, Argentina but i lived in Sydney, Australia for 3 years and in Cordoba, Argentina for 10. Im currently living in Alkmaar, Netherlands.
Un poco sobre mi: naci en Barioloche, Argentina pero vivi en Sydney, Australia y en Cordoba, Argentina. Actualmente instalada nuevamente en Bariloche.
I studied a Bachelor in Graphic Design and, upon finishig, i studied Industrial Design. Apart from that i took courses in Lettering, UX/IXD, photography, Publicity and Marketing.
Estudie Diseño Grafico y Diseño Industrial. Hice muchos cursos incluyendo lettering, UX/IXD, fotografia, publicidad y marketing.
I speak fluently in Spanish (native), English (proficiency) and im learning Dutch and Italian (conversational).
Hablo Español con fluidez (nativo) e Inglés (proficiency), y estoy aprendiendo holandés e Italiano (conversacional).